
Objective Leaders co-lead campus teams focused on moving the needle of specific institutional objective areas. Guided by the work of campus community suggestions, Provost direction, and best practices culled from additional research and resources, Objective Leaders plan and execute up to three strategies, every fiscal year, that guide the work of campus towards achieving KU's mission.

Student Success Objective Leaders

Increase Enrollment

  • Nick Stevens, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
  • Neal Kingston, Vice Provost for Jayhawk Global and Competency-Based Education

Assure Persistence and Completion Through Student Engagement and Satisfaction​

  • Kim Warren, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
  • Ann Brill, Dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications 

Support Long-Term Success by Improving Placement & Reducing Debt

  • Angela Karlin, Assistant Vice Provost - Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Paul Popiel, Dean of the School of Music

Assure Quality of Academic Programs​

  • Jennifer Roberts, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Graduate Studies
  • Michelle Carney​, Dean of the School of Social Welfare 
  • Faculty Senate President

Healthy & Vibrant Communities Objective Leaders

Strengthen Service to Local and Global Communities ​

  • Charlie Bankart, Associate Vice Provost for International Affairs
  • Stuart Day, Vice Provost for KU Edwards Campus & Dean of The School of Professional Studies

Improve Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

  • Nicole Hodges Persley, Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • Derek Kwan, Executive Director of the Lied Center

Improve Health and Wellness ​

  • Tammara Durham​, Vice Provost for Student Affairs
  • Rick Ginsberg, Dean of School of Education and Human Sciences
  • Jeff Stolz, Mental Health & Well Being Director
  • University Senate President

Increase Workplace Satisfaction ​

  • Angie Loving​, Interim Vice Provost for Human Resources
  • Mahbub Rashid, Dean of School of Architecture & Design
  • Staff Senate President

Ensure Stewardship of the Institution ​

  • Jason Hornberger​, Vice Provost for Finance
  • Stephen Mazza, Dean of School of Law 
  • Student Senate President

Research & Discovery Objective Leaders

Grow KU Research

  • Belinda Sturm​, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
  • Mary Rezac​​, Dean of the School of Engineering

Recruit, Retain and Recognize Top Researchers ​

  • Amy Mendenhall​, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • Barbara Timmermann, Interim Dean of the School of Pharmacy

Expand the Impact of KU Research in Kansas and Beyond ​ ​

  • Carol Smith​​, Dean of Libraries
  • Arash Mafi, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Promote Innovation and Entrepreneurship ​

  • Tricia Bergman​, Associate Vice Chancellor for Economic Development
  • Paige Fields, Dean of the School of Business
  • Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) Member